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RootsofBrazil Capoeira - Oakland


The Oakland group is run by Professor Tartaruga; a student of Mesrter Ralil who is the director of the Raizes do Brasil Capoeira group based in Brasilia, Brazil. Our group began here in Oakland because of Tartaruga's dedication to helping youth and his belief that capoeira, if used properly, can serve as a valuable tool in the development of young people. In time, class sizes grew and Tartaruga began offering classes for adults. The goal of our group is to provide a safe place for people to learn the art and culture of capoeira, the importance of self-expression, and to build a community of conscientious people. Anyone can learn to kick, dance, flip, or fight, but it's much more difficult to learn to do these things while maintaining self-control and awareness. It is under these circumstances the deepest beauty of capoeira can be experienced.


The Roots of Brazil cord system and rankings is as follows:


White - Beginner

White/Yellow - "

Yellow - "

Yellow/Orange - Intermediate student

Orange - "

Orange/Blue - "

Blue - Graduate student, Monitor (able to begin teaching)

Blue/Green - "

Green - Instructor

Green/Purple - "

Purple - Professor

Purple/Brown -"

Brown - "

Brown/Red - Contra-Mestre (Completing your formal training)

Red - Mestre (Master of Capoeira)


See BAKA for more info on the Oakland group

professor tartaruga